Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Murderous Birds

I love a good murder mystery, and sometimes even the not so good ones. I read them and  I watch them to relax and try and solve the puzzle. What would motivate somebody to kill?

Somehow while sewing all the itty bitty lovebirds, this image came to me. Instead of leaving it inside my head where it belonged, I drew it all out. For fun.

 It started with the murder of one of the lovebirds.

The police (as portrayed by some glossy caped starlings) arrived to investigate, and honed in on a budgie as their chief suspect because of his questionable involvement with the grieving widow.
Inspector Finch was sure the widow did it. Though there were clues ...

Meanwhile the canary (sang like a canary) pointed out the real culprit, the murderous crow. It's always the crow.

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